Soul Conquest The Refiner’s Fire (Paperback)
SSoouull CCoonnqquueesstt TThhee RReeffiinneerrss FFiirree ((PPaappeerrbbaacckk))

Soul Conquest The Refiner’s Fire (Paperback)


The Sequel: The fight for his soul continues.



What a wonderful, horrible day, Devin mused. After all the years he had dreamed of escaping and coming home, it had been nothing like he had imagined.

Devin returns home after ten long years of captivity. But the transition back to everyday life proves agonizing. Haunted by nightmares and traumatic memories, he chooses to keep his past mysteriously locked away, withdrawing from his family despite their efforts to bond. Devin must face the future and come to terms with his past before he self-destructs. Still, the question remains–can Devin ever truly be free while Marko lives?